So many reasons to celebrate in life and food nearly always plays a big role. This book by Biddy White Lennon provides insight into many traditional Irish celebrations and gives you recipes to enhance the celebrations.
The Irish calendar is filled with feasts and celebrations! St Brigid's Day, which announces the spring; St Patrick's Day, Shrove Tuesday, Bealtaine (May), Bloomsday, Lughnasa (August), Hallowe'en, Women's Christmas (Nollaig na mBan).
These sixty recipes offer a tempting selection of foods for all these occasions, as well as for christenings, weddings and wakes.
Details of customs, folklore and Irish regional food traditions provide a fascinating background to the recipes.
Good Craic stocks a wide range of Irish souvenirs including many items you may not see elsewhere. I cherry pick the very coolest items from the various suppliers. The shop is eclectic and fun and definitely worth a visit if you are in the Mourne area. If a product doesn’t exist yet I might just create it myself.
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