From today face coverings are compulsory when shopping in NI. I don't want to wear one. I really don't. So I find myself reflecting on this reluctance and wondering why I feel this way.
I can find loads of ‘facts’ around how ineffective they are in stopping the spread of diseases like Covid19. But if I’m fair there are loads of facts presenting the alternative view as well [not to mention memes- y’all seen the one about someone peeing their pants?]. I’m convinced that they aren’t a silver bullet but that they can help slow the spread. So the science isn’t the real issue. Why the reluctance? What’s going on?
If I’m honest I think it is because they make me feel silly. I find them confronting deep down somewhere where my self-esteem lives. Interesting.
A friend was telling me yesterday that when she first put one on for the bus she felt like a plonker. She concluded "but if it helps stop the spread then it's worth feeling like a plonker". She said that she is starting to feel unsilly as more people are starting to wear them.
Today I have a decision to make. Will I make excuses? There are plenty of exemptions. No-one would ever know that I didn’t have a legitimate reason. [Now that I’ve put this out there you know I don’t… oops.] Or will I choose to feel unsilly, choose to model best practice, choose to love despite my feelings?
Not everyone can wear one. That’s ok. You are still very welcome in Good Craic Gifts. No judgement here. Use the hand santiser and maintain some distance. Do what you can and don’t stress about what you can’t.
If it gives confidence to those emerging from cocooning- I will wear one.
If it reminds us that things are not business as usual- I will wear one.
If it reminds us to continue washing our hands and keeping some distance- I will wear one.
At least I will try. I am sure to forget sometimes. Sometimes I may not be able to muster the confidence to wear it again. But I’m going to try. Why is this so hard????
I won’t live in fear. I won’t slip into judgement. We all need to take responsibility for ourselves and for those we come into contact with. We need to make wise choices. I won’t wear one every moment of every day. In open spaces it isn’t necessary and I don’t really do crowds any way. We can continue taking some simple precautions that might allow our communities to function fairly normally in the coming months. So let’s do it!
If you need a mask I have some sewn right here in Rostrevor by Deirdre Mcclorey for £6 each.
As a shop worker I am technically exempt in my own shop but I'm going to make an effort because I want to support my customers. I want you to feel safe when visiting me. So come on in to Good Craic Gifts and lets feel silly together. Let's make it unsilly. Let’s pretend we are super heroes or bush rangers or as a masquerade ball. Whatever it takes.